Southern End
Investments LLC
How we can help you, you can help us, etc...
In our attempt to grow our business, strength the communities we live & work in we have created this page. If you are interested in any of the subjects listed below just select them & you can send us an email. Thank you!
We are always looking for homes that need our help. Some of the ones we find are bank owned & have been vacant for sometime. Some homes we come across when homeowners are facing foreclosure & they contact us for another way out. Other homes come to us from people who can not maintain their property any longer. So if you know of any or you have one of these please feel free to contact us.
We are also always looking for subcontractors! We can not offer steady work at this time but we are looking for those who specialize in an area like HVAC, plumbing, drywall, etc. and those just looking to pick up extra work and are fine laboring. We do most of the work ourselves but sometimes we need to move quicker so the extra help is always appreciated.
Southern End Investments is always looking for private investors for our projects. You can fund a portion or the entire project. If you want to make a secure investment, with an excellent rate of return then contact us today!
You're checking out our site, many others do the same. We can work with your business by offering advertising opportunities on our site. Let us help you grow, contact us today to see how.
Looking to buy or rent? Want to stay up to date when properties or what we are up to? Then contact us to be placed on our email list. We will not bombard you with email, but once we start a new project or a property goes up for sale or rent you'll be the first to know. Anytime something is new with us you'll get an invite to come to the site & check it out.
If you've had a positive experience with Southern End Investments or purchased or rented home with Southern End Investments we want to hear from you.